Jonathan R. Lindner, MD
Photo: Jonathan Lindner






Elected 2005
Dr. Lindner’s major research themes center on the development of new methods for non-invasively imaging pathogenic processes at the microvascular level. He has been a pioneer in the field of molecular and cellular imaging with contrast-enhanced ultrasound, which involves the development of novel contrast agents targeted to disease-related antigens and specific methods for detecting them. Imaging of endothelial and leukocyte adhesion molecules has been used to assess inflammatory processes in the heart, the brain, the kidney and other organs. Targeting of neoantigens such as alpha-v integrins and growth-factor receptors has provided a unique means to image angiogenic progression in tumors and in ischemic tissue. These technologies are now being applied to non-invasively characterize the temporal course of disease phenotype, for very early diagnosis of disease, and for monitoring response to therapy. The development of payload-bearing acoustically-active particles that can augment gene and drug delivery in a targeted fashion is another research focus. Dr. Lindner’s laboratory is also recognized for their contribution to understanding microvascular responses in ischemic heart disease and diabetes. Specifically, they have used contrast ultrasound perfusion imaging to study abnormal skeletal muscle capillary responses to insulin and exercise in type-2 diabetes, to evaluate microvascular flow abnormalities after myocardial infarction, and to determine the extent of myocardial viability.