Abkowitz, Janis
1992 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Virology |
206-685-7877 |
janabk@u.washington.edu |
Abrams, Charles S.
2000 |
Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Hematology; Oncology |
215-898-1058 |
abrams@upenn.edu |
Adamson, John W.
1975 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine |
858-552-8585; ext 3348 |
jadamson@ucsd.edu |
Alper, Chester A.
1969 |
Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Pediatrics |
617-713-8850 |
alper@idi.harvard.edu |
Alter, Blanche P.
1981 |
Genetics; Hematology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
240-276-7239 |
alterb@mail.nih.gov |
Altieri, Dario C.
1997 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology |
215-495-6970 |
daltieri@wistar.org |
Anagnou, Nicholas P
1991 |
Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology |
210-746-2341 |
anagnou@med.uoa.gr |
Anderson, Kenneth C.
1996 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology |
617-632-2144 |
kenneth_anderson@dfci.harvard.edu |
Anderson, W. French
1973 |
Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Molecular biology; Pediatrics; Virology |
323-865-0612 |
sdiaz@usc.edu |
Andrews, Nancy C.
1998 |
Biochemistry; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
617-919-1728 |
nancy.andrews@childrens.harvard.edu |
Antin, Joseph H.
1997 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Oncology |
617-632-2525 |
jantin@partners.org |
Antony, Asok C.
1992 |
Hematology; Oncology |
317-274-0843 |
aantony@iu.edu |
Aster, Richard
1968 |
Allergy; Bone marrow transplantation; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Laboratory Medicine |
414-937-6338 |
richard.aster@bcw.edu |
Feramisco, James R.
1996 |
Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
858-534-7287 |
jferamisco@ucsd.edu |
Baehner, Robert L.
1971 |
Cell Biology; Hematology; Pediatrics |
213-226-5597 |
rbaehner@hsc.usc.edu |
Bahou, Wadie F.
1998 |
Biochemistry; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
631-444-2059 |
wbahou@notes.cc.sunysb.edu |
Ball, Edward D.
1988 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Immunology; Oncology |
858-822-6600 |
tball@ucsd.edu |
Barlogie, Bart
1985 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Oncology |
501-413-6909 |
blackbarlogie@gmail.com |
Baron, Margaret H.
2000 |
Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology |
212-241-0825 |
margaret.baron@mssm.edu |
Bauer, Kenneth A.
1994 |
Hematology; Oncology |
617-632-7656 |
kbauer@bidmc.harvard.edu |
Benz, Jr., Edward John
1982 |
Administration; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
617-632-2015 |
ebenz@comcast.net |
Berger, Nathan A.
1980 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Pharmacology |
216-310-5161 |
nab@case.edu |
Berliner, Nancy
1994 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Genetics; Hematology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology |
617-732-5840 |
nberliner@partners.org |
Beyer, Eric C.
1993 |
Biochemistry; Biophysics; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pediatrics; Pharmacology |
773-834-1498 |
ebeyer@peds.bsd.uchicago.edu |
Bierer, Barbara E.
1993 |
Biochemistry; Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
(617) 732-8990 |
bbierer@partners.org |
Blaese, R. Michael
1975 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Gastroenterology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pediatrics; Virology |
215-862-6374 |
mike@blaese.net |
Boldt, David
1983 |
Biochemistry; Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Molecular biology; Oncology |
210-492-5806 |
dboldt@satx.rr.com |
Boxer, Linda M.
1996 |
Hematology; Immunology; Molecular biology; Oncology |
650-724-6966 |
lboxer@stanford.edu |
Brandt, Stephen
2000 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology |
615-936-1809 |
stephen.brandt@vumc.org |
Brass, Lawrence F.
1987 |
Cardiovascular Disease; Hematology; Oncology; Pharmacology; Thromboembolism |
215-573-3540 |
brass@pennmedicine.upenn.edu |
Bridges, Kenneth R.
1995 |
Hematology |
805-241-5613 |
krbridgesmd@outlook.com |
Brittenham, Gary M.
1987 |
Hematology |
212-305-7005 |
gmb31@columbia.edu |
Broudy, Virginia C.
1997 |
Cell Biology; Hematology; Oncology |
206-744-8054 |
vcbroudy@u.washington.edu |
Brugnara, Carlo
1998 |
Hematology; Laboratory Medicine; Physiology |
617-355-6610 |
carlo.brugnara@childrens.harvard.edu |
Burstein, Samuel A
1991 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology |
618-233-8000 |
sam-burstein@ouhsc.edu |
Byrnes, John
1983 |
Administration; Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Virology |
305-243-6611 |
jbyrnes@med.miami.edu |
Caligiuri, Michael A.
1998 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
(626) 218-4328 |
mcaligiuri@coh.org |
Campana, Dario
1998 |
Hematology; Immunology; Oncology; Pathology; Pediatrics |
65 66012666 |
paedc@nus.edu.sg |
Canellos, George P.
1976 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
617-632-3470 |
george_canellos@dfci.harvard.edu |
Canfield, William M.
1998 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology |
405-271-8144 |
— |
Carmel, Ralph
1980 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine |
212-877-4849 |
ralph.carmel@nyumc.org |
Carroll, William L.
1995 |
Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Hematology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
212-263-9247 |
william.carroll@nyumc.org |
Chabner, Bruce A.
1976 |
Hematology; Oncology |
617-724-3200 |
bchabner@partners.org |
Chervenick, Paul A.
1972 |
Cell Biology; Hematology; Oncology |
813-972-8477 |
— |
Chui, David H.K.
1980 |
Developmental Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Laboratory Medicine |
617-414-1020 |
david.chui@bmc.org |
Cines, Douglas B.
1985 |
Cardiovascular Disease; Hematology; Immunology; Laboratory Medicine; Oncology; Thromboembolism |
215-662-3966 |
dcines@mail.med.upenn.edu |
Bennett, John E.
1974 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
301-496-3461 |
jbennett@niaid.nih.gov |
Clarkson, Bayard D.
1969 |
Cell Biology; Health services research; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
212-639-7490 |
— |
Cohen, Harvey Joel
1981 |
Administration; Hematology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
650-736-7319 |
punko@stanford.edu |
Colman, Robert W.
1972 |
Biochemistry; Biomedical Engineering; Cell Biology; Hematology; Laboratory Medicine; Molecular biology; Thromboembolism |
215-707-4665 |
colmanr@temple.edu |
Comp, Philip C.
1986 |
Administration; Hematology; Internal Medicine |
405-271-6466 |
philip-comp@ouhsc.edu |
Cunningham, James M.
1993 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Virology |
617-355-9058 |
jcunningham@rics.bwh.harvard.edu |
Curnutte, John T.
1988 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Hematology; Immunology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
(650) 8683699 |
johntcurnutte@gmail.com |
D'Andrea, Alan D.
1995 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
617-632-2080 |
alan_dandrea@dfci.harvard.edu |
Dainiak, Nicholas
1986 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; General Medicine; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology |
203-384-3470 |
nickdainmd@aol.com |
Dale, David C.
1977 |
Hematology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
206-543-7215 |
dcdale@u.washington.edu |
Dang, Chi V.
1993 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology |
443-621-3460 |
cvdang@jhmi.edu |
Deisseroth, Albert B
1980 |
Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pharmacology |
301-796-4864 |
albert.deisseroth@fda.hhs.gov |
Dinauer, Mary C.
1995 |
Cell Biology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology; Pediatrics |
314-286-0542 |
mdinauer@wustl.edu |
Dmitrovsky, Ethan
1994 |
Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pharmacology; Toxicology |
301 846 1154 |
ethan.dmitrovsky@nih.gov |
Donaldson, Virginia H.
1965 |
Biochemistry; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Pediatrics |
513-636-4497 |
virginia.donaldson@cchmc.org |
Dover, George J.
1986 |
Genetics; Hematology; Pediatrics |
410-955-5976 |
gdover@jhmi.edu |
Downing, James R.
1998 |
Developmental Biology; Hematology; Laboratory Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pathology |
901-595-3956 |
james.downing@stjude.org |
Ebbe, Shirley
1972 |
Hematology |
510-486-4517 |
— |
El-Deiry, Wafik S.
1999 |
Administration; Apoptosis; Biochemistry; Cancer biology; Cell Biology; Drug Development; Experimental Therapeutics; Genetics; Hematology; Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology; Translational Medicine |
401-863-9687 |
wafik@brown.edu |
Embury, Stephen H.
1986 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology |
Cell: 415-203-0436 |
shembury@gmail.com |
Emerson, Stephen G.
1992 |
Bioethics; Biomedical Engineering; Biophysics; Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
646-317-1212 |
se2327@cumc.columbia.edu |
Faller, Douglas V.
1989 |
Administration; Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
617-638-4173 |
dfaller@bu.edu |
Faller, Douglas V.
1989 |
Administration; Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
617-638-4173 |
dfaller@bu.edu |
Finch, Stuart
Not available |
Bioethics; Hematology; Internal Medicine |
856-342-2206 |
finch@umdnj.edu |
Fried, Walter
1970 |
Hematology |
847-723-8649 |
— |
Friedman, Paul A.
1984 |
Administration; Allergy; Cell Biology; Critical Care Medicine; Drug Development; Endocrinology; Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Pharmacology; Thromboembolism; Virology |
302-498-6708 |
pfriedman@incyte.com |
Furie, Bruce
1979 |
Biochemistry; Hematology; Oncology |
617-735-4002 |
bfurie@bidmc.harvard.edu |
Gabig, Theodore G.
1985 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology |
631-444-2059 |
theodore.gabig@stonybrook.edu |
Gabrilove, Janice Lynn
1993 |
Hematology; Oncology |
212-241-9650 |
Janice.Gabrilove@mssm.edu |
Galli, Stephen J.
1991 |
Administration; Allergy; Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Pathology |
650-736-6014 |
sgalli@stanford.edu |
Gaynor, Richard B.
1988 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Virology |
3175750352 |
rchrdgaynor@gmail.com |
Liebhaber, Stephen A.
1986 |
Critical Care Medicine; Genetics; Hematology |
215-898-7834 |
liebhabe@mail.med.upenn.edu |
George, James N.
1981 |
Hematology |
405-271-4222 |
james-george@ouhsc.edu |
Gerson, Stanton L
1993 |
Hematology; Oncology |
2163682825 |
slg5@case.edu |
Gilliland, D. Gary
1995 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology |
(206) 667-6767 |
gary@fredhutch.org |
Ginder, Gordon D.
1991 |
Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology |
804-828-0450 |
gdginder@vcu.edu |
Glueck, Charles J.
1978 |
Cardiovascular Disease; Diabetes; Endocrinology; Epidemiology; Genetics; Geriatrics; Hematology; Metabolism; Pediatrics; Preventive Medicine; Thromboembolism |
513-585-7800 |
cjglueck@health-partners.org |
Golan, David Eric
1996 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Biomedical Engineering; Biophysics; Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Pharmacology |
617-432-7492 |
david_golan@hms.harvard.edu |
Goldberg, Mark A.
1996 |
Drug Development; Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
7814846401 |
mark.goldberg41@gmail.com |
Greenberg, Charles S.
1988 |
Hematology |
9198120776 |
greenbec@musc.edu |
Griffin, James D.
1989 |
Biochemistry; Bioethics; Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
617-632-3360 |
james_griffin@dfci.harvard.edu |
Griffin, John H.
1995 |
Biochemistry; Biophysics; Cardiovascular Disease; General Medicine; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology; Pathology |
858-784-8220 |
jgriffin@scripps.edu |
Groopman, Jerome E.
1987 |
Biochemistry; Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Oncology; Vaccines; Virology |
617-667-0070 |
jgroopma@bidmc.harvard.edu |
Hajjar, Katherine A.
1994 |
Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Hematology; Molecular biology; Pediatrics |
212-746-2034 |
khajjar@med.cornell.edu |
Handin, Robert I.
1979 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Genetics; Hematology |
617-355-9066 |
— |
Harkness, Donald R.
1973 |
Administration; Hematology; Internal Medicine |
608-233-2026 |
drharkne@wisc.edu |
Harlan, John M.
1987 |
Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Pathology |
206-897-5314 |
jharlan@u.washington.edu |
Hawiger, Jack
1977 |
Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
615-828-8718 |
jack.hawiger@vanderbilt.edu |
Hebbel, Robert P.
1985 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Hematology; Internal Medicine |
612-624-6104 |
hebbe001@tc.umn.edu |
Hickstein, Dennis D.
1994 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology |
301-594-1718 |
hicksted@mail.nih.gov |
High, Katherine Ann
1991 |
Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology |
12675814175 |
khigh@rockefeller.edu |
Hillman, Robert
1971 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
207-885-7680 |
— |
Hoffman, Ronald
1982 |
Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine |
212-241-2297 |
Ronald.hoffman@mssm.edu |
Hofmann, Sandra L.
1997 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology |
214-648-7203 |
sandra.hofmann@utsouthwestern.edu |
Houghton, Alan N.
1989 |
Administration; Cell Biology; Critical Care Medicine; Dermatology; Hematology; Immunology; Molecular biology; Oncology |
646-888-2330 |
a-houghton@ski.mskcc.org |
Hoxie, James A.
1992 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Oncology; Vaccines; Virology |
215-898-0261 |
hoxie@mail.med.upenn.edu |
Hoyer, Leon W.
1973 |
Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine |
6154353506 |
svfram@aol.com |
Hultin, Mae B.
1984 |
Cardiovascular Disease; Hematology; Internal Medicine |
— |
mhultin@verizon.net |
Jacob, Harry S.
1966 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Physiology; Pulmonology |
612-624-7908 |
jacob002@tc.umn.edu |
Javid, Jamshid
1973 |
Genetics; Hematology |
201-768-3416 |
jjavid0008@gmail.com |
Kan, Yuet Wai
1975 |
Genetics; Hematology |
415-476-5841 |
yw.kan@ucsf.edu |
Kaplan, Karen L.
1982 |
Hematology; Thromboembolism |
2124522386 |
— |
Kaplan, Manuel E.
1969 |
Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine |
612-922-4434 |
mannykaplan@aol.com |
Kaushansky, Kenneth
1993 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine |
631-6177944 |
Kenneth.kaushansky@stonybrook.edu |
Kelton, John G.
1985 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine |
905-525-9140 x 20524 |
keltonj@mcmaster.ca |
Kipps, Thomas J.
1991 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Rheumatology |
858-534-5417 |
tkipps@ucsd.edu |
Koeffler, H. Phillip
1984 |
Cell Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology |
310-423-4609 |
koeffler3@gmail.com |
Kornfeld, Stuart
1970 |
Cell Biology; Glycobiology; Hematology |
314-362-8803 |
skornfel@dom.wustl.edu |
Kosower, Nechama S.
1970 |
Cell Biology; Genetics; Hematology |
972-3-640-9013 |
nkosower@post.tau.ac.il |
Koury, Mark J.
1987 |
Hematology |
615-321-6382 |
mark.koury@vanderbilt.edu |
Kurlander, Roger Jay
1985 |
Hematology; Immunology; Oncology |
301-496-6891 |
rkurlander@nih.gov |
Kurzrock, Razelle
1997 |
Cell Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
7136289669 |
teoam2011@gmail.com |
Kwaan, Hau C.
1968 |
Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
312.503.1358 |
h-kwaan@northwestern.edu |
Laurence, Jeffrey C.
1997 |
Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; HIV; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Oncology; Virology |
646-962-2988 |
jlaurenc@med.cornell.edu |
Leung, Lawrence
1987 |
Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Hematology |
650-353-6830 |
lawrence.leung@stanford.edu |
Levin, Jack
1970 |
Cell Biology; Hematology |
415-750-6913 |
levinj@medicine.ucsf.edu |
Ley, Timothy J.
1990 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Public Policy |
314-362-8831 |
timley@wustl.edu |
Lichtman, Marshall A.
1973 |
Biochemistry; Biomedical Engineering; Biophysics; Cell Biology; Hematology |
585-275-2205 |
mal@urmc.rochester.edu |
Link, Daniel C.
2000 |
Hematology; Oncology |
314-362-8771 |
danielclink@wustl.edu |
Liu, Edison Tak-Bun
1995 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Epidemiology; Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
Log in to view
edison.liu@jax.org |
Liu, Margaret A
1997 |
Endocrinology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Vaccines; Virology |
925-299-2959 |
liu@ProTherImmune.com |
Liu, Paul P.
1999 |
Developmental Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology |
301-402-2529 |
pliu@nhgri.nih.gov |
Lobuglio, Albert F.
1974 |
Administration; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
205-934-5077 |
al.lobuglio@ccc.uab.edu |
Longmore, Gregory D.
2000 |
Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Hematology; Oncology |
314-362-8834 |
glongmore@wustl.edu |
Longo, Dan L.
1986 |
Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
617.487.6573 |
dlongo@nejm.org |
Look, Alfred Thomas
1985 |
Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
— |
thomas_look@dfci.harvard.edu |
Lopez, Jose Aron
1996 |
Biochemistry; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Genetics; Hematology |
(206) 568-2202 |
josel@bloodworksnw.org |
Loscalzo, Joseph
1990 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Cardiology; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Pharmacology; Physiology |
617-732-6340 |
jloscalzo@rics.bwh.harvard.edu |
Lux, Samuel E.
1979 |
Cell Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology; Pediatrics |
617-919-2093 |
lux@enders.tch.harvard.edu |
Malter, James S.
1998 |
Allergy; Biochemistry; Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Genetics; Geriatrics; Hematology; Hepatology; Immunology; Laboratory Medicine; Molecular biology; Neurobiology; Pathology |
214-648-4088 |
James.Malter@UTSouthwestern.edu |
Markovitz, David M.
1997 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Geriatrics; HIV; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pediatrics; Pulmonology; Virology |
734-647-1786 |
dmarkov@umich.edu |
McCaffrey, Ronald P
1982 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Hematology; Oncology |
617-638-7523 |
rmccaffr@bu.edu |
McCune, Joseph M.
1998 |
Bone marrow transplantation; HIV; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Laboratory Medicine; Virology |
415-206-8101 |
mike.mccune@ucsf.edu |
McEver, Rodger P.
1986 |
Biochemistry; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Molecular biology |
405-271-6480 |
— |
McGlave, Philip
1991 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Critical Care Medicine; Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
612-624-5422 |
mcgla001@umn.edu |
McKee, Patrick A.
1974 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Cardiology; Cardiovascular Disease; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Thromboembolism |
405-271-5645 |
patrick-mckee@ouhsc.edu |
McMillan, Robert
1976 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Immunology; Oncology |
619-554-8632 |
mcmillan@scripps.edu |
Miller, Barbara
1996 |
Cell Biology; Hematology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
717-531-6012 |
bmiller3@pennstatehealth.psu.edu |
Miller, Jeffrey S.
1999 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Hematology; Immunology; Oncology; Vaccines |
612-625-7409 |
mille011@umn.edu |
Mitsuya, Hiroaki
1995 |
Cell Biology; HIV; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pharmacology; Virology |
+81-3-5273-6915 |
mitsuyah@nih.gov |
Moake, Joel L
1981 |
Biomedical Engineering; Hematology |
832-865-2110 |
jmoake@rice.edu |
Moldow, Charles F.
1980 |
Administration; Health services research; Hematology; Internal Medicine |
612-625-5417 |
moldo002@umn.edu |
Montgomery, Robert R.
1986 |
Administration; Cell Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology; Pediatrics; Pharmacology |
414-937-3802 |
bob.montgomery@bcw.edu |
Mosesson, Michael W.
1972 |
Biochemistry; Hematology; Molecular biology |
414-937-3811 |
mwmosesson@bloodcenter.com |
Mosher, Deane F.
1979 |
Biochemistry; Biophysics; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine |
608-262-1576 |
dfmosher@wisc.edu |
Murphy, Philip M.
1992 |
Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology |
301-496-8616 |
pmm@nih.gov |
Nachman, Ralph L.
1969 |
Administration; Hematology; Oncology |
212-746-7723 |
rlnachm@med.cornell.edu |
Nadler, Lee M.
1989 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Immunology; Oncology |
617-632-3331 |
lee_nadler@dfci.harvard.edu |
Nathan, Carl F.
1983 |
Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Metabolism; Oncology |
212-746-6505 |
cnathan@med.cornell.edu |
Nelson, David Luther
1986 |
Allergy; Biochemistry; Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Dermatology; Developmental Biology; Epidemiology; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Pediatrics |
301-496-3024 |
— |
Newburger, Peter E.
1986 |
Hematology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
508-856-4225 |
peter.newburger@umassmed.edu |
Niemetz, Julian
1975 |
Hematology; Thromboembolism |
914 636 1071 |
julianniem@optonline.net |
Nimer, Stephen D.
1997 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
305-243-1775 |
snimer@med.miami.edu |
Olivieri, Nancy F.
1996 |
Hematology; Pediatrics |
416-340-3213 |
nancy@hemoglobal.org |
Orkin, Stuart H.
1982 |
Hematology |
617-919-2042 |
stuart_orkin@dfci.harvard.edu |
Parker, Charles J.
1991 |
Biochemistry; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Molecular biology; Oncology |
801-213-2081 |
charles.parker@hsc.utah.edu |
Perrine, Susan P.
1993 |
Hematology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
617-335-7002 |
sperrine@bu.edu |
Peterson, Charles M.
1981 |
Biochemistry; Endocrinology; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Pharmacology |
301-987-0847 |
cmarquispeterson@comcast.net |
Pilz, Renate B.
1999 |
Biochemistry; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Pharmacology |
858-534-8806 |
rpilz@ucsd.edu |
Poncz, Mortimer
1991 |
Hematology; Molecular biology; Pediatrics |
215-590-3575 |
poncz@email.chop.edu |
Prochownik, Edward V.
1989 |
Biochemistry; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
412-692-6797 |
Edward.Prochownik@chp.edu |
Quesenberry, Peter
1981 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
401-444-2464 |
pquesenberry@lifespan.org |
Rao, A. Koneti
1994 |
Administration; Hematology |
6107720514 |
koneti@temple.edu |
Rodgers, Griffin P.
1994 |
Administration; Bone marrow transplantation; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology |
301-496-5741 |
gr5n@nih.gov |
Roodman, G. David
1991 |
Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Diabetes; Endocrinology; Hematology; Metabolism; Nutrition; Oncology; Physiology |
— |
groodman@iu.edu |
Rosse, Wendell F.
1968 |
Hematology |
919-684-3724 |
rosse001@mc.duke.edu |
Roth, Gerald J.
1982 |
Hematology |
206-764-2475 |
gjrothmd@u.washington.edu |
Rothstein, Thomas L.
1988 |
Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
269-337-4359 |
tom.rothstein@med.wmich.edu |
Rubin, Arnold D.
1973 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Immunology; Oncology |
732-235-6036 |
rubinar@rwjms.rutgers.edu |
Ruf, Wolfram
1999 |
Biochemistry; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Hematology; Oncology; Thromboembolism |
858-784-2748 |
ruf@scripps.edu |
Ruggeri, Zaverio M.
1985 |
Biochemistry; Biomedical Engineering; Biophysics; Cardiovascular Disease; Hematology; Molecular biology; Thromboembolism |
858-784-8950 |
ruggeri@scripps.edu |
Russell, David W.
2000 |
Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Oncology; Virology |
206-616-4562 |
drussell@u.washington.edu |
Saito, Hidehiko
1980 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
81-52-951-1111 ext.2220 |
hsaito@tsuru.med.nagoya-u.ac.jp |
Santoro, Samuel A.
1988 |
Biochemistry; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Hematology; Laboratory Medicine; Molecular biology; Nephrology; Pathology |
615-322-3234 |
samuel.santoro@vanderbilt.edu |
Sawyers, Charles L.
1999 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
646-888-2138 |
sawyersc@mskcc.org |
Scadden, David T.
1996 |
Cell Biology; HIV; Hematology; Oncology |
617-726-5615 |
dscadden@mgh.harvard.edu |
Schafer, Andrew I.
1986 |
Administration; Biomedical Engineering; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
(646)-962-2872 |
ais2007@med.cornell.edu |
Schechter, Alan N.
1975 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Biophysics; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology |
301-496-5408 |
aschecht@helix.nih.gov |
Scher, Charles D.
1979 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
504-988-5413 |
cscher@tulane.edu |
Schlossman, Stuart F.
1969 |
Hematology; Immunology |
617-632-3325 |
stuart_schlossman@dfci.harvard.edu |
Schmaier, Alvin H.
1990 |
Biochemistry; Cardiovascular Disease; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
216-368-0796 |
schmaier@case.edu |
Schwartz, Bradford S.
1990 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Thromboembolism |
(608) 316-4707 |
bschwartz@morgridge.org |
Seligman, Paul
1984 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
303-724-4086 |
paul.seligman@ucdenver.edu |
Selsted, Michael E.
1994 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Gastroenterology; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Laboratory Medicine; Molecular biology; Pathology |
323-442-1180 |
selsted@usc.edu |
Semenza, Gregg L.
1995 |
Biochemistry; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Metabolism; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pediatrics; Physiology |
410-955-1619 |
gsemenza@jhmi.edu |
Shadduck, Richard K.
1980 |
Administration; Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Oncology |
412-578-4355 |
rshadduck@msn.com |
Shannon, Kevin
1996 |
Biochemistry; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
415-476-7932 |
kevin.shannon@ucsf.edu |
Shapiro, David N.
1996 |
Administration; Cancer biology; Drug Development; Hematology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
203-758-8287 |
dnshapiro@gmail.com |
Shattil, Sanford J.
1983 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Hematology; Thromboembolism |
858-822-6425 |
sshattil@ucsd.edu |
Shaw, George Meade
1989 |
Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Oncology; Vaccines; Virology |
215-746-8514 |
shawg@pennmedicine.upenn.edu |
Sherman, Laurence A.
1979 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Laboratory Medicine; Pathology |
312-903-8144 |
— |
Shipp, Margaret
1996 |
Cell Biology; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology |
617-632-3874 |
margaret_shipp@dfci.harvard.edu |
Shohet, Stephen B.
1971 |
Biophysics; Hematology |
415-476-1293 |
SBShohet@aol.com |
Sieff, Colin A.
1988 |
Hematology; Pediatrics |
617-919-4241 |
colin.sieff@childrens.harvard.edu |
Silberstein, Leslie Eric
1993 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Immunology; Pathology |
617-919-2588 |
leslie.silberstein@childrens.harvard.edu |
Silverstein, Samuel C.
1973 |
Biochemistry; Biophysics; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Monocytes; Neurobiology; Pathology; Physiology |
212-305-3546 |
scs3@columbia.edu |
Siminovitch, Katherine A.
1993 |
Cell Biology; General Medicine; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Rheumatology |
416-586-8723 |
ksimin@mshri.on.ca |
Sims, Peter Jay
1989 |
Biochemistry; Biophysics; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Laboratory Medicine; Molecular biology; Pathology; Pharmacology |
585-208-7802 |
peter_sims@urmc.rochester.edu |
Skach, William R.
2000 |
Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Physiology |
503-494-7322 |
wskach@cff.org |
Solomon, Alan
1971 |
Hematology; Oncology |
865-305-9167 |
asolomonmd@hotmail.com |
Sommer, Steve S.
1992 |
Epidemiology; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology; Preventive Medicine; Psychiatry |
626-359-8111 ext. 2027 |
— |
Sondel, Paul M.
1988 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Oncology; Pediatrics; Pharmacology |
608-263-9069 |
pmsondel@humonc.wisc.edu |
Southwick, Frederick S.
1987 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Hematology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
352-392-4058 |
southf@epi.ufl.edu |
Spitalnik, Steven L.
1994 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Glycobiology; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Laboratory Medicine; Pathology; Tropical Medicine |
212-305-2204 |
ss2479@cumc.columbia.edu |
Papayannopoulou, Thalia
1980 |
Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Hematology |
206-543-5756 |
thalp@u.washington.edu |
Steinberg, Martin H.
1979 |
Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine |
617-414-1020 |
mhsteinb@bu.edu |
Stiehm, E. Richard
1976 |
Allergy; Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Neonatology; Pediatrics; Pulmonology; Rheumatology |
310-825-6481 |
estiehm@mednet.ucla.edu |
Sytkowski, Arthur J.
1986 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
617-632-9950 |
asytkows@caregroup.harvard.edu |
Tanaka, Kouichi R.
1967 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine |
310-222-3695 |
kthucla@aol.com |
Taub, Robert N.
1974 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
212 360 1112 |
rntaubipod@gmail.com |
Tauber, Alfred I
1985 |
Hematology; Immunology |
617-353-2604 |
atauber@bu.edu |
Taylor, Jr., Fletcher B.
1969 |
Allergy; Bioethics; Cardiovascular Disease; Critical Care Medicine; Hematology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology |
405-271-2400 |
Fletcher-Taylor@omrf.org |
Telen, Marilyn J.
1992 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine |
919-684-5378 |
marilyn.telen@duke.edu |
Thiagarajan, Perumal
1993 |
Biochemistry; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Pathology |
713-794-7893 |
perumalt@bcm.edu |
Thompson, Arthur R.
1980 |
Biochemistry; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology |
206-292-6570 |
arthomps@u.washington.edu |
Tollefsen, Douglas M.
1984 |
Biochemistry; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Thromboembolism |
314-362-8830 |
tollefsen@im.wustl.edu |
Tosato, Giovanna
1992 |
Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Oncology; Virology |
301-594-9596 |
tosatog@mail.nih.gov |
Valeri, C. Robert
1976 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine |
617-638-4950 |
navblood@nbrl.org |
Varki, Ajit
1987 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Glycobiology; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
858-534-2214 |
a1varki@ucsd.edu |
Vercellotti, Gregory M.
1993 |
Hematology |
612-626-3757 |
verce001@umn.edu |
Verfaillie, Catherine M.
1996 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Oncology |
+32 16 33 02 95 |
catherine.verfaillie@med.kuleuven.be |
Wagner, John E.
2000 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Hematology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
612-626-2961 |
wagne002@umn.edu |
Warrell, Raymond P.
1999 |
Hematology; Oncology |
908-286-3965 |
— |
Weinberg, J. Brice
1984 |
Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Oncology; Rheumatology; Tropical Medicine; Virology |
919-286-6833 |
brice@duke.edu |
Weiss, Harvey J.
1970 |
Hematology |
212-315-2479 |
hjw5@columbia.edu |
Weiss, Stephen J.
1984 |
Hematology |
734-764-0030 |
sjweiss@umich.edu |
Weitz, Jeffrey I.
1993 |
Biochemistry; Cardiovascular Disease; Hematology; Oncology; Thromboembolism |
905-574-8550 |
weitzj@taari.ca |
Weksler, Babette B.
1979 |
Cardiovascular Disease; Hematology |
212-746-2058 |
babette@med.cornell.edu |
Williams, David A.
1993 |
Biochemistry; Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
617-919-2697 |
DAWilliams@childrens.harvard.edu |
Witte, Owen N.
1989 |
Biochemistry; Bone marrow transplantation; Gastroenterology; Hematology; Immunology; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Virology |
310-206-6411 |
owenwitte@mednet.ucla.edu |
Wright, Daniel G.
1989 |
Biochemistry; Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
301-594-7714 |
wrightdan@niddk.nih.gov |
Wu, Kenneth K.
1983 |
Biochemistry; Cardiovascular Disease; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Hematology; Molecular biology; Thromboembolism |
713-500-6800 |
kkgo@nhri.org.tw |
Young, Neal S.
1985 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Virology |
301-496-5093 |
youngn@nih.gov |
Young, Robert C.
1977 |
Administration; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Public Policy |
215-728-2781 |
rc_young@fccc.edu |
Youssoufian, Hagop
1997 |
Cell Biology; Drug Development; Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
617-631-5112 |
hyoussoufian@gmail.com |
Zaner, Ken Scott
1992 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Biomedical Engineering; Biophysics; Cell Biology; Health care policy; Health services research; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Public Policy |
617-638-5631 |
kzaner@acs.bu.edu |
Ziegler, John L.
1974 |
Epidemiology; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Preventive Medicine |
415-502-1883 |
john.ziegler@ucsf.edu |
Zon, Leonard I.
1996 |
Developmental Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
617-919-2069 |
zon@enders.tch.harvard.edu |
Zuckerman, Ken
1986 |
Administration; Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
813-745-8090 |
ken.zuckerman@moffitt.org |
McCrae, Keith R.
2001 |
Cardiovascular Disease; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Thromboembolism |
216-445-7809 |
mccraek@ccf.org |
Scheinberg, David A.
2001 |
Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Pharmacology; Vaccines |
646-888-2190 |
scheinbd@mskcc.org |
Morris, Stephan W
2001 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
901-595-3616 |
— |
Kaye, Frederic J.
2001 |
Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
352-273-9152 |
fkaye@ufl.edu |
Clapp, D. Wade
2001 |
Hematology; Immunology; Neonatology; Pediatrics |
317-944-7810 |
dclapp@iu.edu |
Ritz, Jerome
1990 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Immunology; Oncology |
617-632-3465 |
jerome_ritz@dfci.harvard.edu |
Levine, Arthur S.
1975 |
Administration; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
412-638-9977 |
alevine@pitt.edu |
Reinherz, Ellis L.
1988 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Molecular biology |
617-632-3412 |
ellis_reinherz@dfci.harvard.edu |
Ginsberg, Jeffrey
2000 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine; Thromboembolism |
905-521-2100 |
ginsbrgj@mcmaster.ca |
Begley, C. Glenn
2000 |
Cell Biology; Hematology; Oncology |
+614 88 033 711 |
cglennbegley@gmail.com |
Wilson, David B.
1998 |
Developmental Biology; Hematology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
314-286-2834 |
wilson_d@kids.wustl.edu |
Slamon, Dennis J.
1988 |
Cell Biology; Hematology; Oncology |
310-825-7633 |
dslamon@mednet.ucla.edu |
Lee, William Ming-Fu
1990 |
Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
215-898-0258 |
leemingf@mail.med.upenn.edu |
Sorscher, Eric
1998 |
Biochemistry; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Metabolism; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pediatrics; Pharmacology; Physiology; Pulmonology |
205-612-1327 |
esorscher@emory.edu |
Hempstead, Barbara L.
1996 |
Cardiovascular Disease; Developmental Biology; Hematology; Neurobiology; Oncology |
212-746-2195 |
blhempst@med.cornell.edu |
Ezekowitz, Alan
1990 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Laboratory Medicine; Pharmacology |
609-712-6506 |
alan@abidetx.com |
DiPersio, John F.
1996 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
314-454-8306 |
jdipersi@dom.wustl.edu |
Goldstein, Bernard D.
1977 |
Environmental Medicine; Hematology; Preventive Medicine |
412-624-3001 |
bdgold@pitt.edu |
Levy, Ronald
1979 |
Hematology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
650-725-6452 |
levy@stanford.edu |
Bessler, Monica
2002 |
Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology |
267-426-8782 |
besslerm@email.chop.edu |
Hromas, Robert
2002 |
Biochemistry; Bone marrow transplantation; Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine |
— |
Hromas@uthscsa.edu |
Bram, Richard J.
2002 |
Hematology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
507-266-0378 |
richard.bram@mayo.edu |
Poplack, David G.
1984 |
Hematology; Oncology; Outcomes research; Pediatrics |
832-822-4556 |
dpoplack@bcm.edu |
Bast, Jr., Robert C.
1984 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
713-792-7743 |
rbast@mdanderson.org |
Garber, Judy E.
2001 |
Epidemiology; Genetics; Hematology; Oncology |
617-632-2282 |
judy_garber@dfci.harvard.edu |
Blau, C. Anthony
2002 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Hematology |
(206) 685-6873 |
tblau@u.washington.edu |
May, W. Stratford
1991 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
352-273-7760 |
smay@ufl.edu |
Singer, Jack W.
1987 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cancer biology; Cell Biology; Critical Care Medicine; Drug Development; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Pharmacology |
206-272-4405 |
jsinger@ctiseattle.com |
Dunbar, Cynthia E.
2003 |
Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Hematology; Internal Medicine |
301-768-3923 |
dunbarc@nhlbi.nih.gov |
Olopade, Olufunmilayo I.
2003 |
Genetics; Hematology; Oncology |
773-702-1632 |
folopade@medicine.bsd.uchicago.edu |
Daley, George Q.
2003 |
Developmental Biology; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology |
617-919-2013 |
george.daley@childrens.harvard.edu |
Lentz, Steven R.
2003 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Thromboembolism |
3193564048 |
steven-lentz@uiowa.edu |
Russell, J. Eric
2003 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Thromboembolism |
215-808-4406 |
jeruss@mail.med.upenn.edu |
Gallagher, Patrick G.
2003 |
Hematology; Molecular biology; Neonatology; Pediatrics |
614-722-5947 |
patrick.gallagher@nationwidechildrens.org |
Arap, Wadih
2003 |
Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology |
281-701-0722 |
warap2017@gmail.com |
Weiss, Mitchell J.
2003 |
Hematology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
901-595-4238 |
mitch.weiss@stjude.org |
Kastan, Michael B.
1995 |
Cell Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
919-684-3052 |
michael.kastan@duke.edu |
Baum, Christopher
2003 |
Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Hematology |
513-636-1333 |
Baum.Christopher@mh-hannover.de |
Neufeld, Ellis J.
2003 |
Genetics; Hematology; Pediatrics |
901-595-7509 |
ellis.neufeld@stjude.org |
Miller, Jeffery L.
2004 |
Hematology |
— |
— |
Chaudhary, Preet
2004 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology; Virology |
323-865-3950 |
preet.chaudhary@med.usc.edu |
Fauser, Axel A.
1987 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Hematology; Oncology |
49-6781-661580 |
— |
Lin, Richard
2005 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine |
631 444-1638 |
richard.lin@sunysb.edu |
Horwitz, Edwin M.
2005 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Hematology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
404-727-1958 |
edwin.horwitz@emory.edu |
Sadelain, Michel
2003 |
Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Hematology; Immunology |
212-639-6190 |
m-sadelain@ski.mskcc.org |
Levitsky, Hyam
2002 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Vaccines |
4103567190 |
hy@jhmi.edu |
Maciejewski, Jaroslaw P.
2006 |
Hematology; Oncology |
216-445-5962 |
maciejj@ccf.org |
Saba, Julie D.
2006 |
Hematology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
510-414-6317 |
Julie.Saba@ucsf.edu |
Lee, Peter P.
2006 |
Hematology; Immunology |
626-218-2519 |
plee@coh.org |
Ramaswamy, Sridhar
2010 |
Cancer biology; Cell Biology; Genetics; Genomics; Hematology; Informatics; Medical Oncology; Oncology |
— |
sxr@gv.com |
Wiernik, Peter H.
1978 |
Hematology; Oncology |
914-241-7242 |
pwiernik@aol.com |
Chute, John
2010 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Oncology |
310-206-3037 |
john.chute@cshs.org |
Jaffe, Eric A.
1979 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
718-613-4063 |
eajaffe1@verizon.net |
Ataga, Kenneth
2011 |
Hematology |
(901) 448-2813 |
kataga@uthsc.edu |
Dhodapkar, Madhav V.
2006 |
Hematology; Immunology; Oncology; Vaccines |
— |
madhav.v.dhodapkar@emory.edu |
Tomasson, Michael H.
2009 |
Genetics; Hematology; Oncology; Transplantation |
314-362-9350 |
michael-tomasson@uiowa.edu |
Wu, Catherine Ju-Ying
2012 |
Hematology |
617-632-5943 |
catherine_wu@dfci.harvard.edu |
Letai, Anthony
2009 |
Apoptosis; Cancer biology; Hematology; Oncology |
617-632-2348 |
anthony_letai@dfci.harvard.edu |
Konopleva, Marina
2009 |
Hematology |
718-430-4068 |
marina.konopleva@einsteinmed.edu |
Molldrem, Jeffrey
2009 |
Hematology |
713-563-3334 |
jmolldre@mdanderson.org |
Gillison, Maura L.
2010 |
Hematology |
713-792-6363 |
mgillison@mdanderson.org |
Paczesny, Sophie
2014 |
Hematology |
8437921034 |
paczesns@musc.edu |
Flaumenhaft, Robert
2014 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine |
617-735-4005 |
rflaumen@bidmc.harvard.edu |
Debaun, Michael
2006 |
Hematology; Neurology; Pediatrics |
6158753040 |
m.debaun@vumc.org |
Ebert, Benjamin L.
2011 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
617-632-1902 |
Benjamin_Ebert@dfci.harvard.edu |
Verstovsek, Srdan
2015 |
Hematology |
713-745-3429 |
srdan@kartosthera.com |
Silverstein, Roy L.
1994 |
Cell Biology; Hematology |
414-955-0518 |
rsilverstein@mcw.edu |
Luznik, Leo
2015 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Immunology |
410-502-7732 |
luznile@jhmi.edu |
Steidl, Ulrich G.
2016 |
Hematology |
718-430-3437 |
ulrich.steidl@einsteinmed.edu |
Savage, Sharon
2014 |
Genetics; Genomics; Hematology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
240-276-7241 |
savagesh@mail.nih.gov |
Lam, Wilbur A.
2017 |
Biomedical Engineering; Hematology; Pediatrics |
4047277473 |
wilbur.lam@emory.edu |
Bollard, Catherine M.
2010 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Immunology; Pediatrics |
1-202-476-4776 |
cbollard@childrensnational.org |
Alizadeh, Ash
2017 |
Cancer biology; Genetics; Genomics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
6504986000 |
arasha@stanford.edu |
Di Paola, Jorge A.
2012 |
Genetics; Genomics; Hematology; Pediatrics; Translational Medicine |
314 273 3940 |
dipaolaj@wustl.edu |
Walter, Matthew John
2013 |
Genetics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
314-362-9409 |
mjwalter@wustl.edu |
Papapetrou, Eirini P.
2018 |
Hematology |
212-824-9337 |
eirini.papapetrou@mssm.edu |
Turtle, Cameron J.
2018 |
Hematology |
206-667-7073 |
cturtle@fredhutch.org |
Bagby, Grover C.
1983 |
Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology |
503-248-9216 |
grover@ohsu.edu |
Byrd, John C.
2005 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine |
513-558-0858 |
byrd2jc@ucmail.uc.edu |
Uckun, Fatih
1996 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Experimental Therapeutics; Hematology; Immunology; Oncology; Pediatrics; Pharmacology |
612-443-4607 |
fatih.uckun@aresmit.com |
Neelapu, Sattva
2019 |
Hematology |
713-563-3429 |
sneelapu@mdanderson.org |
Druley, Todd
2019 |
Biotechnology; Cancer biology; Cancer genetics; Developmental Biology; Genetics; Genomics; Hematology; Medical Genetics; Medical Oncology; Medicine; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
314-807-4936 |
todd.druley@invitae.com |
Arnaout, M. Amin
1986 |
Cardiovascular Medicine; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Molecular biology; Nephrology; Thromboembolism; Transplantation |
617-726-5663 |
aarnaout1@mgh.harvard.edu |
Komanduri, Krishna V.
2009 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Health care policy; Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Transplantation |
3054761000 |
Krishna.komanduri@ucsf.edu |
Kaufman, Dan S.
2009 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine |
858-822-1777 |
dskaufman@ucsd.edu |
Yang, Yiping
2010 |
Hematology; Immunology; Oncology |
614-685-0638 |
profyang01@gmail.com |
Mitchell, Beverly
1986 |
Hematology; Oncology |
650-387-5050 |
bmitchell@stanford.edu |
Levine, Ross L.
2011 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
646-888-2767 |
leviner@mskcc.org |
Landgren, Ola C.
2012 |
Clinical research; Hematology; Internal Medicine |
212-639-5126 |
landgrec@mskcc.org |
Henderson, Tara Olive
2021 |
Health care disparities; Health services research; Hematology; Oncology; Outcomes research; Pediatrics |
773-702-6808 |
thenderson@bsd.uchicago.edu |
Lane, Andrew A.
2021 |
Hematology; Internal Medicine; Medical Oncology |
617-632-4589 |
Andrew_Lane@dfci.harvard.edu |
Madara, James L.
1988 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Gastroenterology; Hematology; Laboratory Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Pathology; Physiology |
312-464-4354 |
james.madara@ama-assn.org |
Shavit, Jordan A
2019 |
Cardiovascular Disease; Genetics; Hematology; Pediatrics |
(734) 647-4365 |
jshavit@umich.edu |
Verma, Amit
2015 |
Cancer biology; Hematology |
6464681055 |
amit.verma@einsteinmed.org |
Reddy, Pavan
2009 |
Hematology; Immunology; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
— |
pavan.reddy@bcm.edu |
DiNardo, Courtney
2023 |
Hematology |
713-794-1141 |
cdinardo@mdanderson.org |
Ruella, Marco
2023 |
Hematology |
1-215-746-4880 |
mruella@upenn.edu |
Asimakopoulos, Fotis
2023 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cancer biology; Clinical research; Hematology; Immunology; Medical Oncology; Vaccines |
858-246-5223 |
fotis@ucsd.edu |
Cutler, Corey S.
2023 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology |
617 632-5946 |
corey_cutler@dfci.harvard.edu |
Kentsis, Alex
2018 |
Biochemistry; Biophysics; Cancer biology; Cancer genetics; Cell Biology; Drug Development; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Hematology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pediatrics |
646-888-2593 |
kentsisresearchgroup@gmail.com |
Ginsburg, David
1989 |
Genetics; Hematology; Medical Genetics; Molecular biology; Oncology; Thromboembolism |
734-647-4808 |
ginsburg@umich.edu |
Pasche, Boris
2007 |
Experimental Therapeutics; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Medical Oncology |
313-909-3622 |
pascheb@karmanos.org |
Fitzhugh, Courtney D.
2024 |
Hematology |
301-402-6496 |
courtney.fitzhugh@nih.gov |
Lindsley, Coleman
2024 |
Hematology |
6176326649 |
Coleman_Lindsley@dfci.harvard.edu |
Parekh, Samir
2024 |
Hematology |
2122417873 |
samir.parekh@mssm.edu |
Bradner, James (Jay)
2011 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Drug Development; Hematology; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Pharmacology |
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jbradner@gmail.com |