Dr. Kramer’s research centers around the use of novel imaging technologies, specifically cardiovascular MRI, to answer questions regarding cardiovascular disease. His early career was primarily focused on the problem of left ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction. He has applied cardiovascular MRI in a translational fashion from transgenic mice to large animal models to man to answer basic questions about the pathophysiology of this process and potential pharmacologic therapies. He has studied the role of the renin-angiotensin system in this process, focusing on the angiotensin II type 2 receptor and its interaction with the type 1 receptor and the nitric oxide synthase pathway in attenuating the remodeling process. In man, he has studied post-infarct remodeling as well as developing new MRI methods to identify viable myocardium that warrants revascularization to both improve regional myocardial function and patient prognosis. He more recently turned to using MRI to understand atherosclerosis and its effect on end-organ function. He has developed new MRI techniques in peripheral arterial disease in humans, to measure atherosclerotic plaque volume and characteristics as well as measure calf muscle perfusion and energetics at peak exercise. These novel techniques have major potential to further the understanding of peripheral arterial disease as well as enhance the development of new therapies. Clinical trials of novel therapeutics using these endpoints are underway. He also leads a 2750 patient, 44 site, 6 country natural history study of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, collecting clinical, cardiac MRI, biomarker, and genetic data in order to better risk stratify patients with this disease.