Our focus is to bring novel therapies and diagnostics to patients with kidney disease in hopes to improve clinical outcomes. We have targeted the cardiovascular and infectious consequences of defective vitamin D signaling in subjects with renal failure. We performed hypothesis-generating observational studies, experimental studies, and multicenter randomized trials to define the clinical relevance of important biological pathways associated with vitamin D metabolism. In the area of women's health, we have spent over 20 years collaborating with basic scientists to identify key pathways linked with the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. These collaborations have yielded clinically impactful diagnostic tests for preeclampsia which are currently used in Europe and which we hope will soon be available in the U.S. Upon this foundation, we have initiated first-in-human studies in Europe to safely extend pregnancy in women with severe preterm preeclampsia. Our goal is to reduce the risk of morbidity and mortality in both mother and baby associated with this devastating condition.