Dr. Feng is focused on clinical and translational research aimed at improving outcomes for patients with prostate cancer. His laboratory focuses on identifying and validating biomarkers associated with treatment resistance in prostate cancer patients, and developing targeted therapy strategies to overcome this resistance. He has published over 230 peer-reviewed scientific articles, and his major contributions to the medical field include: 1) the development of novel molecular subtyping approaches to distinguish biological subgroups of prostate cancer that differ in treatment response, 2) the identification of new drivers of aggressive prostate cancer; 3) the development of novel therapeutic approaches to treat prostate cancer. He has published manuscripts in leading journals such as Cell, The New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet Oncology, Journal of Clinical Oncology, European Urology, Nature, and Nature Genetics. He has received numerous awards for his research and is the principal investigator on multiple grants, from various federal and foundation sources.