The major focus of Dr. Benzinger’s research career has been related to b-amyloid (Ab) pathology and Alzheimer Disease (AD). As a graduate student at the University of Chicago, her work on Ab structure demonstrated the first evidence for a parallel beta-sheet structure for Ab fibrils (Benzinger et al., PNAS, 1998). This innovative approach has…
The major focus of Dr. Benzinger’s research career has been related to b-amyloid (Ab) pathology and Alzheimer Disease (AD). As a graduate student at the University of Chicago, her work on Ab structure demonstrated the first evidence for a parallel beta-sheet structure for Ab fibrils (Benzinger et al., PNAS, 1998). This innovative approach has carried through her career. During her radiology residency she honed her focus on translational human magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Her initial grants and publications after fellowship were developed from this training, including her publication in NeuroImage in 2011 which demonstrated that advanced MR diffusion analyses could distinguish demyelination from axonal injury. Two years after her clinical training ended, in 2008, she began collaborating in the then novel area of Alzheimer’s Ab PET neuroimaging and quickly rose to become an innovative leader in the field. In 2010 she became the first Director of the Knight Alzheimer Research Imaging (KARI) Program at Washington University and Imaging Core Leader for the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN) and its related clinical trials unit (DIAN-TU) just as sites were coming online She quickly developed pipelines and workflows for harmonizing, processing, and analyzing MRI and PET data from the participating global sites. This work led to her 2013 publication in PNAS, which demonstrated regional pathological trajectories for Ab accumulation, brain atrophy, and hypometabolism across the disease spectrum of autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease, further extended with longitudinal multimodal imaging, (Lancet Neurology,2018) and with novel tau PET imaging (Brain, 2019).